GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Shmuel Gershon, TweetTechnical leader at Intel Corporation

Biography: Shmuel Gershon
Presentation: Tweetǝnןɐʌ: Why we have it backwards
We’re working hard to provide value in the form of software. And perhaps this is precisely what is turning our customers off: We focus on software too much and may be looking at its real worth too little.
Shmuel talks about software as a knowledge media and reveals a strategy that serves the company and the users in an entirely different way: It changes the way we code and document our software (“did I reach the most faithful reproduction of knowledge?”), and changes the way you add value with your testing (“what else don’t we know?”).
Come and learn what is wrong with software-as-a-product and alternatives that can determine your project’s success – complete with Practical People Principles for software construction you can start to apply in your day to day approach.
The alternatives I will mention in the end of the talk are, roughly:
- Make your team aware (get scribes everywhere)
- Cherchez le côté humain (humans build software, humans use software)
- Scratch a personal itch (tell your own story in software)
- Let the ends justify the means (hint: the end is not “release now”)